
A Picture Taken Of Me During My Presentation

Friday, January 25, 2008

Frustrated Fun!

I'm slowly learning more and more about Second Life, which is of course immensely helpful. I’ve learned more about editing my avatar’s appearance (it’s funny how I want to say “my” appearance and not “my avatar’s” hmmmm, it’s happening already!). So my avatar is no longer dressed in a sparkly skirt and tube top that was acquired at the freebie store.

I had a few more frustrations on Second Life. The computer that I was working on was really slow and crashed 3 times. As well, there was a huge lag on my computer so I was (I’m just going to use “I”)…so I was walking backwards for a long time and going through floors and ending up underwater or frozen…all kinds of occurrences! Luckily, I was able to switch computers early enough on Thursday’s class so that I could fully explore the cruise ship. It’s so helpful to be able to teleport to where your friends are. That came in very handy! I got to go skydiving which was pretty awesome. I wasn’t wearing a parachute, so of course I fell as soon as I landed, but it was a really cool experience since it’s not something I’ve done in real life. It definitely made me want to sample all Second Life has to offer.

At the water park, I was able to do a dive off the diving board but ran out of time before I got a hang of the slide. I was actually walking down the slide for awhile there…

It’s also really interesting that you can take snapshots of your adventures and email them to people. I was shocked when a member of the class said he walked in on an intimate moment of others on the cruise ship. It honestly blows my mind, all of what goes on in Second Life. But a hopefully-more-articulate response to that in my next post.

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