
A Picture Taken Of Me During My Presentation

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Art in Second Life

Since I have already discussed music in Second Life, I would also like to discuss art. I visited Small World Art Gallery in Second Life. This gallery included works from RL and SL artists and the works of art were available for purchase in RL and SL as well.

I took a picture of a sculpture called “Blue Flower” that was available for $3000L. This sculpture was located within the art gallery. Although it does not say in its description, the work was likely done by Mercury John because it was within a room that held his paintings as well. It could have been another artist, however.

Virtual art includes RL replications and original VW pieces. In his article, Paolo A. BolaƱos states that “The critical role of art, as opposed to mere entertainment, is based on
Adorno’s claim that art has a truth-content. For Adorno, art, inasmuch as art
is a product of society, has a dialectical character” (30). An argument of authenticity can emerge when discussing SL and VW art, especially since art is based in rich tradition from which its criteria derives. However, I would argue that SL art is authentic art and a form of expression that can present truths and commentary on the society it emerges.

This SL gallery allows for art to be seen by SL residents and the art acts as a valuable expression both within and outside of its context, but it is not the context or medium that determines the authenticity of the art.

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