
A Picture Taken Of Me During My Presentation

Monday, February 25, 2008


I have been very impressed by the progression in the presentations. I also found it helpful to talk about tips, suggestions, downsides and benefits of SL presentations in class. I especially liked the presentation today. I thought it was very effective, and really enjoyed the 2 field trips to Obama’s HQ and the Darfur exhibit. It is evident that people are starting to get used to SL since last presentation it took a long time for people to TP and for people to get organized. I found today’s presentation very efficient and found the class participation flowed smoothly. I will be interested to see how the presentations continue to improve, especially with the additions of things such as voice presentations. I was talking to a member of the class today about how different this class is than anything I’ve ever taken in University. I’m really learning a lot about virtual world and had no idea about the depth and vastness of it all. I’m sure that the popularity of things such as SL will only increase as technology advances and more people become participants so I feel privileged to be aware of some of these “cutting edge” technologies. I think I would have been a bit intimidated to join Second Life on my own and I had never heard of it before this class. Yet, it is clear that what was once an underground world is now emerging and spreading to the surface.

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