
A Picture Taken Of Me During My Presentation

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Futher Exploring..Sprinkled with Frustration!

I have definitely had lots of experiences in Second Life since my last blog. I’m also starting to go on a lot more on my own time. However, I’m finding it very frustrating because my computer is crashing a lot. Even during Monday’s class Second Life crashed 3 times. Frustrating. I have not yet been able to take and post a picture of myself because every time I try it seems to crash. I think my best bet is to use the computer at the library but even then there's no guarantees that it won’t freeze up! Shopping...I bought a dress for my avatar at Fashion Fruit. It didn’t look exactly like the one on the poster but it was close enough. Since I spent a lot on the dress (about $350) I made my own shoes of the same colour with what was available. The only thing i need right now is hair. Right now I have sample hair from naughty by design but I'm not sure how to get a hairstyle and not just the colour. I’ve also adjusted my avatar’s features a lot. I’ve been searching lots of new places to see what I can find. I searched hawaii and ended up going to a studio with sets, so I took a picture of me in the set anyways! So lots of exploring but still lots of frustration...especially with not being able to get all the tasks done that I’m supposed to on time.

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